Duplicate Image Finder - What's New?
Compare Folders For Duplicate Images - Delete Duplicate Photos
Although our tools are the best of their kind we keep improving and optimizing them.
You can find the major changes in every release in the list below. We recommend using the latest version.
Do not forget to check also the blog area as it contains a lot of information, tutorials and examples and provides a search option for easier navigation: www.mindgems.com/article/
Compatible with Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista (Both 32 & 64 Bit)
Duplicate Image Finder What's New
- Added: Improved "Auto-check"
- Added: Improved error reporting
- Fixed: Loading a project by double-clicking in Windows Explorer
- Fixed: Specific cache names could corrupt the project file
- Fixed: In some non-latin languages file size column shows ?? instead of KB, MB, GB
- Fixed: Unable to check HEIC file type in the Options dialog
- Added: Support for new Canon, Nikon, Sony and other camera formats
- Added: Support for AV1 image file format (*.avif) (Available only in PRO and CORPORATE versions)
- Added: Warning if you try to copy/move duplicate files with the same name to a folder and "Keep folder structure" option is unchecked
- Improved: Precision and speed in 100% Identical Files mode
- Added: Alt+Enter shortcut opens the File Properties dialog
- Fixed: Crash on performing Delete/Copy/Move action if a checked file has been deleted outside the program
- Fixed: The files date/time displayed in the results list were not adjusted according to the local time zone
- Fixed: Error log not cleared before new scan
- Added: Support for file types *.jif;*.jfif (JPEG); *.xif (TIFF); *.dicom; *.dic; *.v2 (DICOM); *.pgm; *.pbm (PXM)
- Added: "Check All in This Folder" popup menu item in the results list
- Added: "Check All in This Folder and Subfolders" popup menu item in the results list
- Fixed: Auto-check not working as expected in certain scenarios
- Fixed: Crash on "Remove Group from List..." action
- Fixed: Crash when adding folders on Windows 11 OS
- Added: Support for Windows 11
- Fixed: "Locate in Explorer" action didn't select the file
- Fixed: Search for Images shows the same image twice in the results list
- Fixed: Duplicate results in certain cases with junction points
- Improved: DNG files support
- Fixed: Issue with CPUs not supporting Supplemental SSE3 (SSSE3 - SSE3S) instructions
- Fixed: Results disappearing if delete/move operation is aborted
- Added: Pan with left mouse button in the large preview
- Improved: Better and faster detection of 100% equal files
- Improved: Separate "Auto stretch", "Auto shrink" and "Smooth resize" options for the small and large preview
- Improved: Support for symbolic links is improved
- Improved: Saving, loading and exporting large projects is much faster
- Added: Images can be added in Image Search using Drag&Drop from Windows Explorer
- Added: Sidecar file extensions can be added without prepended dot in settings
- Added: Improved error reporting for file operations
- Added: Image Search fixes and improvements
- Fixed: Scan issues on some 32 Bit operating systems
- Fixed: Repaint issues when resizing preview panel
- Improved: Up to 2000% (20 times) faster comparing images stage (requires CPU that supports SSSE3 (SSE3S) or SSE4.2 instructions)
- Added: Support for scanning Adobe Lightroom catalogs (Available only in PRO and CORPORATE versions)
- Added: "Auto stretch" and "Auto shrink" options in the small and large preview windows
- Added: "Smooth resize" option in the small and large preview windows
- Added: In "EXIF Date Time Original" mode the grid shows the time difference in seconds
- Added: Delete and Ctrl+Delete keys to remove file from the list (works in the large preview window too)
- Added: Two new auto-check options - "Shorter paths" and "Longer paths"
- Added: Popup menu item "Select Checked" in the results grid
- Added: Button "Select" to selects all items that match the criteria in the Quick Check dialog
- Fixed: Auto-check not working correctly when "Match full path" is checked and "File names..." is unchecked
- Fixed: 'Image Search' fixes and improvements
- Fixed: Wrong group order after Delete/Move/Copy action is performed
- Fixed: "File names containing" in advanced auto-check options could not be turned off if "Match full path" is checked.
- Fixed: Progress bar position while scanning/deleting files
- Fixed: Compare Folders doesn't add all user selected folders
- Fixed: "100% Identical Files" mode performance and progress
- Fixed: Corporate version not listing results on new empty database
- Fixed: Include in Auto-check/Exclude from Auto-check popup menu functionality
- Fixed: Enable Self-scan/Disable Self-scan popup menu functionality
- Fixed: Filtering displayed date encoding error message on some systems
- Improved: Highly optimized performance for storages containing large amount of files
- Added: "Do not compare file extensions" scan option is now saved in the settings and in the project
- Added: "Compare only files with same extensions" scan option is now saved in the project
- Added: "Compare Folders" tool button
- Added: Support for Canon CR3 image format (Available only in PRO and CORPORATE versions)
- Added: Support for the following RAW file extensions: *.cr3, *.fff, *.cap, *.eip, *.dcs, *.drf, *.ptx, *.pxn, *.mdc, *.obm (Available only in PRO and CORPORATE versions)
- Fixed: "File name" column auto-resizing
- Added: Support for HEIC image format (requires external WIC codec) (Available only in PRO and CORPORATE versions)
- Added: Support for WebP image format (Available only in PRO and CORPORATE versions)
- Fixed: Crash on damaged DNG files
- Added: 64 Bit version for higher performance and larger file lists
- Added: Option to toggle "Preserve group integrity on sort" - was always ON by default
- Added: Option "Match full path" to exclude folder names from auto check (Available only in PRO and CORPORATE versions)
- Added: Up to 40% faster processing of JPEG, PNG and JPEG2000 images
- Added new auto-check option to check images with larger file sizes regardless of dimensions
- Added option to Copy checked files to a target folder
- Added button to set the default "Cache files folder" in Options dialog
- Fixed moving/deleting files from UNC paths like //server/folder/image.jpg
- VSDIF now checks if it has write access to the cache file folder before the scan process is started
- Clicking on the vertical splitter handle restores right panel (previously panel was restored on mouse over)
- Added option "Detect images with solid borders"
- Added new auto-check option "Images with shorter file names"
- Other small GUI fixes and enhancements.
- Added context menu for folders list that includes disable/enable self scan options and include/exclude from auto-check
- Added context menu for folders list - Remove from list
- Added new option "Automatically adjust preview images orientation"
- Fixed: Preview window - does not reset zoom when switching to next image
- Fixed: Folders panel could not be restored in rare cases
- Fixed: Duplicates information above the grid was not updated correctly after search operation
- Added results grid menu item 'Remove from List' which only removes the selected items from list, but doesn't delete the files
- Added results grid menu item 'Remove Group from List' which removes the whole selected group from list
- Added new auto-check option 'Images with longer file names'
- Changed 'Delete...' menu item shortcut to Shift+Del and 'Remove from List' shortcut to Del
- 'After scan' combobox is now enabled during scan
- Fixed: Multiple images preview wasn't updated with the first found group after scan is complete.
- Fixed: Loading shell associated icons in results grid if OS small icon size is different from 16x16 pixels
- Added: New compare method "Compare EXIF Tag". (only in Pro version)
- Added: Multi Preview tab. Now you can preview all duplicates in a group at once. By using mouse wheel you can increase preview thumb size.
- Added: EXIF grid is by default sorted by Tag name.
- Added: Images orientation in preview is now automatically adjusted by reading EXIF data.
- Added: Support for DICOM tags. (only in Corporate version)
- Fixed: Loading projects where decimal separator is different from the current locale decimal separator.
- Fixed: Moving files from UNC paths like \\Server\Path\
- Fixed: Similarity level can be set to 100% using the mouse wheel or spin-edit buttons. (was possible only by entering it manually)
- Fixed: Order of duplicate groups is preserved on load/save.
- In Filter dialog added option to filter folders by name using wildcards
- Clicking on the folders grid header icons now checks/unchecks all folders
- Browse for folder dialog is updated so if no folders are checked - the currently selected folder is added
- If delete/move file operation failed, hex error code is shown in the log
- Added checkbox "Zoom To Fit" in the large preview window
- Option to disable the "Keep Folder Structure" feature for file move operations. In previous versions this feature was enabled by default.
- Fixed rare issue where the last couple of files could be skipped by the scan process
- Fixed command line interface issues in DEMO and Corporate versions
Version (see also
- Improved multi-thread performance
- Fixed Default cache name issue when using different precision levels
- Fixed cursor in pause mode
Version (internal release):
- Added Compare Folders menu (Only in Pro and Corporate version)
- Improved columns sorting
- Faster detection of rotated/flipped duplicate images
- Fixed loading older projects
- Added option "Move/delete sidecar files together with images"
- Fixed Pause/Resume functionality and missing icon.
- Fixed exclude and auto-check states on project reload.
- After scan: Save project and shutdown/log off/etc. now works in DEMO version.
- New project reuses cache settings from the current project.
- Cache "Default" is used if no previous cache setting exist.
- Fixed move operation under Windows 8
- Added delete/move error codes
- Added support for Unicode file names
- Comparing phase is now multi threaded, so it will be 2x, 4x, 8x, etc. faster depending on how many CPU cores you have
- Added information window, showing EXIF information of the image if available
- Added option to select newer files in auto-check
- Preview of first image in group updated on sort
- Improved folders list - added display of the Exclude From Auto-check and Exclude From Self-scan features
- Other small GUI fixes and enhancements
- Improved RAW images processing speed up to 80%
- Added .kdc, .srw, .bay, .3fr, .k25, .cam, .nrw, .mos, .dc2, .rw1, .rwl as recognizable RAW files extensions
- Fixed some issues when scanning NEF files
- You can now add folders by using drag&drop from Windows Explorer
- Improved "Browse for Folders" dialog, scans faster folders with many files
- Other small GUI fixes and enhancements. New 32-bit toolbar icons
- Greatly improved cache speed by introducing new cache file format. Old cache files are not supported. Please recreate your cache files!
- In Filter dialog added option to include or exclude the matched files from scanning
- In Quick Check added new button "Check All Except First in Group"
- Added new option "Show warning if all files in a group are marked for deleting"
- Faster loading of large projects
- Enhanced "Browse for Folders" dialog
- Other small GUI fixes and enhancements
- Fixed Windows 8 compatibility issues
- Added support for symbolic links in Windows 7
- Added options to set each column auto-size attribute
- Added new option to set the cache folder location
- Fixed some issues with column sizing and splitter
- Enhanced Move/Delete files window
- The program will check for Recycle Bin size and show a warning if you want to delete the files to Recycle Bin and there is not enough space available
- The program can delete read-only files
- Other small bug fixes and GUI improvements
- Added Pause/Resume functionality
- Added Quick Check/Uncheck functionality, which allows you to check/uncheck files by their folder, extension, file size, file date, etc.
- You can now add/remove multiple folders at once in the filter dialog.
- Added new option "Quick load images", which was until now always on. If you have some strange results showing absolutely different images as duplicates, then turn this option off.
- Enhanced DICOM images support.
- Other small bug fixes and GUI improvements.
- Added HDPhoto files support (*.hdp; *.wdp; *.jxr) (Only in Pro and Corporate version)
- You can now add multiple folders at once using the enhanced Browse for Folder dialog.
- Added new option "Remove from list groups containing single file after delete/move".
- Added new option "Show user checked files in bold font".
- Added new options tab to select which columns you want to be shown in the results grid.
- Added warnings when unchecking a selection of images and there are user checked images.
- Fixed Disable Folder Self-scan in Hash/Filesize/EXIF modes.
- Fixed some bugs when moving files.
- Other small bug fixes and GUI improvements.
- Added DICOM files support (*.dcm) (Only in Corporate version)
- Added filter files functionality, so you can exclude files or folders from scanning (Only in Pro and Corporate versions)
- Added option "Delete empty folders" (Only in Pro and Corporate versions)
- Added grid popup menu item Properties which shows windows explorer file properties window.
- Added grid popup menu item "Check All Except Excluded" which will check all files except the excluded ones from the Advanced dialog in Auto-check options or files which folder was disabled for auto-check
- Popup menu "Disable self-Scan For This Folder" is now available in the Pro version too
- A lot faster "100% Identical Files" method
- A lot faster Check Selected/Invert Selection/Uncheck All when there are a lot of files in the duplicates list
- There are now two separate columns for File Name and Folder
- Fixed logging under Windows Vista/7
- Fixed auto-check when there are folders disabled for auto-check
- About 10% faster "preprocessing images" step on older 1-core processors.
- Owners of the corporate version of the program can register it using command-line parameters. See command-line help for details.
- Updated internal imaging and RAW images libraries (added support for 25 new digital cameras)
- Changed cache hash algorithm. Please recreate your cache files!
- Improved auto-check algorithm.
- Updated RAW support
- Up to 10% speed increase when using already created cache file.
- Command-line corporate version will use the "Advanced Compare" settings.
- Other small fixes.
- Added option to automatically log-off, shutdown, hibernate or stand-by the system after scan is finished.
- The user can rename files in duplicate results list using F2 key (only in registered version).
- Project modified status in program caption is now updated correctly.
- Added Panasonic's RW2 raw extension support.
- Added -cachenames command-line parameter (only in Corporate version)
- Updated internal imaging library
- Other small fixes
- Over 50% speed increase in the comparing images pass.
- Added new scan method "EXIF Date Time Original" which will compare only the EXIF timestamp of the photos and group them according to the time difference in seconds set by the user.
- Added option to show user checked files in a different (blended green) color.
- Added line numbers in duplicate results grid.
- Ctrl+K checks selected files (also available as a popup menu)
- Ctrl+U unchecks selected files (also available as a popup menu)
- Ctrl+I inverts the checked status of the selected files (also available as a popup menu)
- Ctrl+A selects all files in the list
- Left and Right arrow keys can now be used to navigate in the big preview window.
- Enter and 'C' key now checks/unchecks the duplicate in the big preview window.
- Faster loading big projects and faster auto check.
- User can adjust similarity using the new floating point spin edit to 95.1%, 95.2%, etc.
- New project file format over 50% smaller from the current one.
- Better handling of files over 2GB.
- Fixed: The program halts when the user try to move duplicate images and there is not enough free space on target device.
- Other small GUI fixes and enhancements.
- Fixed various bugs reported by users.
- About 10-15% speed increase in the comparing images step.
- Fixed loading file names containing characters from the current "Language for non-Unicode programs".
- Fixed floating point operation error on some white images.
- Fixed Corporate version now doesn't show main window after command-line scan.
- Fixed preview of 32-bit and 48-bit images.
- Other small fixes and changes.
- Updated RAW images processing libraries.
- Added: auto check advanced settings. You can adjust which files you don't want to be auto checked.
- Added: "Add Folder" toolbar button.
- Added: "Delete" popup menu on the results grid.
- Added: On new project VSDIF shows automatically Browse for Folder dialog.
- Fixed: Memory leak on loading RAW images.
- Fixed: VSDIF reported incorrect sizes on some RAW images.
- Added support for RAW digital photos (only in Pro and Corporate versions). See the supported digital cameras list here. You can use the DEMO version to try this new feature.
- Added "Search For Images" functionality.
- Preview window is moved under the duplicates list and shows two images at the same time. When ALT is pressed the selected image is shown in the left preview image window otherwise it is shown in the right preview window.
- Corporate version is now multi threaded. Also it accepts only one file list as a parameter. See help for details.
- Added option "Load last project on program startup".
- Added auto check option "Images with older file dates".
- Up to 10% speed increase in the "Preprocessing images..." step.
- Up to 5% additional speed increase if using "No Cache" option.
- Fixed/improved tray icon main form restore functionality.
- Fixed: Total checked duplicate size in KB is not updated after using Auto Check/Uncheck All. Now the total number of checked files is shown too.
- Fixed: In some occasions the duplicates list was cleared after the user deleted/moved some files.
- Fixed: Incorrect width and height of some JPEG files which could lead to improper automark for some images.
- Fixed: Some duplicates were missed from the scanning engine and were not added to groups with 3 or more duplicates.
- Fixed Abort scan during building files list.
- Fixed duplicates checked state after loading a project.
- Folders list is correctly filled after loading a project.
- Added "No Cache" option, faster than "New Cache" on a not-scanned yet folder. See main screen help for details.
- Preview speed was greatly improved.
- New grid window showing file type icon in front of the file name and colored similarity progress bar.
- Improved duplicate documents detection when using auto-skew.
- Fixed incorrectly detecting some very small images as duplicates.
- Better handling of corrupt images.
- Grid columns can now be sorted keeping the group order.
- Grid column settings are stored to registry and loaded on next program startup.
- Delete to Recycle Bin and last used cache method settings are now correctly stored to registry.
- Improved "Disable Auto Mark For This Folder" functionality.
- Fixed fast hash and FileSize methods.
- Improved stability, lowered memory and system resources usage.
- Default priority method was changed to Lower, so you can continue your work while scanning images in background.
- Internal preview window is also shown on double clicking the small preview window or by pressing Enter in the duplicates list.
- Other small fixes and changes.
- Speed increase over 100 times! VSDIF is now the fastest duplicate images finder available.
- Support for multi-core CPU. VSDIF now uses all your CPU cores in the images preprocessing step.
- Completely rewritten and highly optimized engine. Can scan over 10000 hi-res images on an average 1.8Ghz desktop PC within 10 minutes!
- 8 times smaller cache file sizes. VSDIF now uses less hard disk space.
- New redesigned user interface shows all duplicate groups in different colors in one grid window.
- Access to some of the options directly from the main window.
- Using Delete key in folder list removes the selected folders from the list.
- Added popup menu in the duplicate results grid with items Open, Open with Associated Program and Locate in Explorer (Available only in the registered version).
- Added Auto Select tool button.
- Added button to delete a cache file
- Using Delete key in the duplicates list, after a confirmation dialog you can delete all selected files from the list and from the disk. (Available only in the Registered version). Note the difference between selected and checked duplicates.
- Fixed slowdowns in retrieving image information phase when comparing a lot of images.
- VSDIF is about 200% faster on small projects and it could be over 5-10 times faster on big projects.
- New and faster database format. Old databases are not supported.
- Removed gray-scale option. Gray scale duplicates are automatically detected.
- VSDIF no longer asks to create a database if the selected scanning method is not visual scanning.
- Fixed MD5 scanning issue introduced in previous version.
- VSDIF is faster when comparing a lot of images.
- Databases are now saved in local application data folder to be more compatible with Vista.
- Changed the database file format. This fixes a problem adding new images to the database. You should recreate your databases.
- Added Auto Skew detection option. Turn this option on if you want to compare images created with scanner. VSDIF will automatically rotate them.
- Fixed changing the precision level didn't affect the scan until the program is restarted.
- Changed the default process priority to lower. This helps you do some other work while the scan process is running.
- Added support for custom databases with images. You can create databases to store the images information on the first scan and the next scans will use the information from the database. This speeds up a lot the process of retrieving images information and the whole scan.
- Added option to select file cache location
- Added 7-bit gray-scale TIFF files support
- Fixed performance issues
- Fixed program crash after deleting files in groups
- Added Adobe Photoshop (*.PSD) files support
- Added ZIP compressed TIFF files support
- Added 16-bit gray-scale PNG files support
- Fixed not closing file handles on retrieving images information
- Added option to store the temporary images information in the memory or on the hard disk
- Changed the project file extension and file association in explorer to *.vsdif
- Added non-visual methods for comparing images by: MD5 hash, fast hash checksum and file size
- Added option to select folder in which you can move the duplicate files
- Added comparing method combo box and similarity spin edit in the toolbar
- Added windows explorer shell integration for .vsd files
- Added Default Settings button in the options dialog
- The first duplicate in group is marked with 'F' after the checkbox
- Keyboard shortcut 'U' unchecks all duplicates in the current group
- Keyboard shortcut 'I' shows the visual compare preview window
- With double click or with popup menu in the folders list you can include/exclude folder from auto marking duplicates in it
- Fixed an issue not closing the file handle on manual stop the scanning process
- You can now save/load projects (scan results)
- Added option to auto mark duplicates with smaller file sizes regardless of their dimensions
- Added option to detect negative duplicates
- You can sort the duplicate list by columns
- Duplicate files creation date/time is shown in the duplicates list
- Image similarity (%) is shown in the duplicates list
- Added resize method popup menu in the duplicate preview windows. Available methods are: None, Triangle, Hermite, Bell, BSpline, Lanczos3, Mitchell, Nearest, Linear, Fast Linear, Bilinear, Bicubic
- Added Zoom In/Zoom Out in the preview window
- Added button Delete Marked In Group which deletes the selected images in the current duplicate group only
- When deleting duplicate files a progress form is shown.
- Added option to minimize the main window to the system tray.
- Added forward/backward navigation for the duplicate groups while in duplicate images list. The keys are "Left Arrow" or "B" for backward and "Right Arrow" or "F" for forward
- Minor GUI changes. Changed some labels text. Updated help and internal image engine.
- Fixed maximized main window position and state loading problem.
- Core Improved: Added options to perform smart image comparing using gray-scale. It is now possible to detect gray-scale duplicates of images.
- Core Improved: Added option to select the duplicate finding process precision level. See help for details
- Core Improved: Tweaked memory usage. Now the program uses up to 50% less memory when comparing images. This fixes some issues comparing large number of image files.
- Core Improved: The image comparing process is now executed in a separate thread, thus avoiding GUI lockups.
- Core Improved: Code cleanup and optimization. The scanning process is about 5-10% faster.
- Core Bug fix: Tweaked again the auto select duplicate routine.
- Core Bug fix: Fixed loading images with extensions that differ from the actual image format, e.g. the extension is .jpg, but the file is in BMP format.
- GUI Improved: The folder list is auto saved and auto loaded on next startup.
- GUI Improved: The last folder from Add Folder dialog is auto saved and auto loaded on next startup.
- GUI Improved: Program window position and state is auto saved and auto loaded on next startup.
- GUI Improved: Minor GUI changes. Updated help.
- Added command-line options (only in Corporate version). See main window help for details
- Changed user interface so you can choose more than one folder to scan
- Added options to perform smart image comparing using Rotate 90, Rotate 180, Rotate 270, Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical methods
- The scanning process is now about 20% faster
- The default scanning process priority is now "Below Normal"
- Added option to set the scanning process priority
- Added option to scan folders recursively (in version it was always ON)
- Main window is now re sizable and adjustable with splitters
- Preview window is now resizable
- Rewritten the auto select duplicate routine
- Other minor changes and fixes