Folder Size - What's New
Folder Sizes, Directory Sizes, File Sizes - Folder Size Explorer Windows
Although our tools are the best of their kind we keep improving and optimizing them.
You can find the major changes in every release in the list below. We recommend using the latest version.
Do not forget to check also the blog area as it contains a lot of information, tutorials and examples and provides a search option for easier navigation:
Compatible with Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista (Both 32 & 64 Bit)
Folder Size What's New
- Added: Improved performance
- Added: Improved memory management
- Added: Improved "New project" performance after huge scans
- Added: Improved support for Japanese and other non-Latin characters
- Fixed: Chart was not cleared after "New project" improvements
- Fixed: Drag list is cleared when dragging new items
- Fixed: Rare crash on very large scans and certain file names and extensions
- Fixed: Error on closing the app
- Fixed: Scanning network drives from Explorer context menu in Windows 11, 10
- Fixed: Crash if rename canceled by switching the focus to another node in Windows 11, 10
- Added: Improved navigation with back and forward actions
- Added: Improved support for mapped drives in Windows 11, 10
- Added: New installation defaults to AUTO folder sizes
- Added: File system updates are disabled for projects loaded from command line
- Added: File system updates are disabled for projects opened with double-click
- Fixed: Crash on scanning mapped drives from context menu in rare cases
- Fixed: Updated action states for scan
- Added: CTRL+C / CTRL+INSERT - Copy, CTRL+V / SHIT+INSERT - Paste, CTRL+X - Cut keyboard shortcuts
- Added: Delete keyboard shortcut (DEL, or SHIFT+DEL) uses the native Windows Explorer delete feature
- Added: Folder tree displays cut state
- Fixed: Application popup items were left disabled if invoked on empty project
- Fixed: First or all item(s) in folder were listed twice on copy/paste of entire folder
- Added: Full Windows Explorer context menu for files and folders
- Added: Copy, Cut, Paste, and Rename files and folders in the application
- Added: Copy, Cut, and Paste from and to Windows File Explorer
- Added: Improved support for long paths - more than 260 characters
- Added: Monitoring and update of file and folder changes for the scanned locations
- Fixed: File time was not adjusted to the local time zone in rare cases
- Fixed: Very rare issue related to nested folders with the same names
- Fixed: Double-click in drives list was not displaying administrator privileges warning message
- Added: Support for Windows 11
- Fixed: Crash on deleting nested folders in certain cases
- Added: Empty folders report - zero size
- Added: Empty folders report - zero items
- Added: Empty files report - zero size
- Added: Increased largest, oldest, newest and other report items from 50 to 100
- Added: Faster startup
- Fixed: Position application inside screen area after switching from dual (multiple) to single monitor
- Fixed: Help file was not displaying if the application is started from Windows Explorer context menu
- Added: Option to show/hide A: and B: floppy drives
- Added: A: and B: floppy drives hidden by default - improves startup speed on Windows 10
- Added: Folder tree sorted by size by default
- Added: Multiple new command line flags to customize export settings
- Added: Lighter background colors for bar charts for easier readability
- Added: Print Folder tree
- Added: Folder tree popup menu - Expand All Subfolders - Shortcut: CTRL Numpad +
- Added: Folder tree popup menu - Collapse All Subfolders - Shortcut: CTRL Numpad -
- Added: Updated display of Internet Explore 9 requirement for charts on a system with older IE version
- Added: "Others" in chart displayed with a more perceivable color
- Added: Improved chart performance and hardware acceleration - at least 3 times and higher performance depending on the hardware configuration (video card installed)
- Added: Smoother chart graphics - better antialiasing. Smoother edges and fonts
- Added: Better chart colors - soft yet pleasing colors that are easy on the eyes
- Added: Display error if export file can not be saved
- Fixed: Moving vertical splitter was laggy and could cause a crash
- Fixed: Access to application's data folder on systems with UAC
- Fixed: Chart and scan issues on 64 Bit systems with UAC enabled
- Fixed: Issues with folders for which permission is denied on 64 bit operating systems
- Fixed: Chart was not cleared on empty folder
- Fixed: Chart was not painted properly if comma was used instead of dot as decimal symbol
- Fixed: Chart was not painted properly if file names contain quotes, commas or other special characters
- Added: Display of Internet Explore 9 requirement for charts on system with older IE version
- Added: Display of items with zero sizes in chart
- Changed: Removed Adobe Flash dependency - charts no longer use Flash
- Added: Native 64 Bit version is now available - support for larger drives and faster performance
- Added: Improved support for scanning and displaying very long paths
- Added: Command line registration parameters in PRO version
- Added: Shortcut - ALT+UP - Folder Up (Same as Backspace)
- Added: Shortcut - Alt+Enter - Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item
- Fixed: Missing computer name on network locations
- Added: Loaded/saved project name is displayed in the File Menu - next to 'Load...' instead of 'Save...'
- Added: Better scaling for systems using large fonts
- Fixed: Loading of old project files
- Fixed: Loaded project name was not displayed if a project file was opened by a double-click from Windows Explorer
- Added: Compressed files and folders are displayed in different color
- Added: Drive names and letters displayed instead of just drive letters
- Added: Current file/folder path displayed in application title
- Added: Longest Paths and Longest File Names reports
- Added: Export Details View option in file menu
- Added: Optional thousands separator
- Added: Loaded/saved project name is displayed in the File Menu
- Added: The cell text is displayed in a hint for items that do not fit in the current column size - was missing for Largest/Oldest reports
- Added: Double-click in drives list scans the selected drive
- Fixed: Settings file could not be saved in rare cases
- Added: Oldest Files Report
- Added: Oldest Folders Report
- Added: Oldest Files and Folders Report
- Added: Newest Files Report
- Added: Newest Folders Report
- Added: Newest Files and Folders Report
- Added: Complete list of System Files, Backup Files and System Volume Information folder
- Added: Administrator privileges detection and button to restart with elevated privileges
- Added: Size information in the chart near the percentage value in the tool tip
- Added: Reports column states, sizes and positions are stored and re-loaded on startup
- Added: The cell text is displayed in a hint for items that do not fit in the current column size
- Fixed: Removed context menu item "Scan with Folder Size" from Recycle Bin
- Fixed: Position of download buttons on application resize
- Internal released merged with - release delayed due to adding important new features that provide better scan results.
- Added: Simultaneous scan of multiple locations for drag and drop items and command line
- Added: Simultaneous scan of multiple locations and setup dialog. Option to scan some or all local drives or multiple folders
- Added: Full UNICODE support
- Added: UNC paths can be added in the folders list for multiple locations - ie \\servername\c$ etc
- Added: Support for mouse Back and Forward buttons
- Fixed: Drives list size units notation is now synced with the rest of the UI
- Fixed: Better refresh of progress bar in Windows 7 and newer operating systems
- Added: Mixed "Largest files and folders" report
- Added: Option not to list files in order to save memory on large volumes of more than 100 TB
- Added: Increased memory limit to 4GB on x64 OS and 3GB on x86 systems. Read here how to enable 4GT on x86 systems:
- Added: Selected files and folders count in status bar
- Fixed: File name trimming issue when saving file names containing dots
- Fixed: Print dialog - "Limit printing to one page horizontally" button action fixed in operating systems newer than Windows Vista
- Fixed: Removed "There is no default printer currently selected" message on systems without printer.
- Added: Export details view in CSV format
- Added: Print Preview
- Added: Print - Export to PDF
- Added: Print - Export to multi-page TIFF
- Added: Print - Page and margins setup
- Added: Print - Export to EMF
- Added: Print - Rearrange print order
- Added: Print - Remove pages from print job
- Added: Option to export Owner information
- Added: Option to disable "Scan with Folder Size" context menu during installation
- Fixed: Refresh issue when mixing details view and folder tree navigation
- Fixed: Crash after removing a node from largest folders list
- Added: Largest Files Report
- Added: Largest Folders Report
- Added: Scan multiple folders on Drag and Drop (Only in Professional version)
- Added: Scan multiple folders using the -scan command line option. The list of folders is delimited with semicolon. E.g. -scan C:\Folder1;"C:\Folders With Spaces" (Only in Professional version)
- Added: Multiple search masks in filter
- Added: Total size of selected items in status bar
- Added: ESC - clear selection in files list
- Fixed: Some applications were opened in hidden mode on double click. Issue reported on Win7 x64
- Fixed: Corrected navigation button states after New and Load.
Version (See also :
- Added: Reduced project save/load time and size
- Added: Extremely optimized memory consumption during scan
- Added: Extremely optimized memory consumption for XML and CSV export (close to zero)
- Added: Extremely optimized export speed for XML and CSV
- Added: File New, File Open, File Save toolbar buttons
- Added: Option to hide the download buttons from the toolbar
Version (Internal Release) :
- Added: Option to include or exclude the file information in the export
- Added: Option to specify the maximum depth level for the export operation
- Added: Option to export drive or network share size information
- Added: -exp "File Path\Name.xml;File Path1\Name.fsp" - Export command line parameter. Depending on the file extension will export the corresponding file type. Multiple formats can be exported at once by separating the paths with semicolons.
- Added: -s - Silent command line parameter. The application window will not be displayed and the application will exit after the operations are complete
- Fixed: Refresh issue when mixing folder-tree and chart navigation
- Fixed: Missing network machine dates are now exported as NA
- Fixed: Issue when loading projects with network paths
- Added: Filter (only in Personal and Professional versions)
- Added: Save/Load scan results (only in Personal and Professional versions)
- Added: Export to XML and CSV (only in Professional versions)
- Added: Print (only in Personal and Professional versions)
- Added: Directory attribute in attributes column marked with "D"
- Added: Some columns are formatted to the right for easier reading - file size, folder size, file count etc.
- Added: 5 to 50 times faster scan speed
- Fixed: Shift+Delete keyboard shortcut was not working in files list
- Fixed: Removed zero size files and folders from chart in order to prevent overlapping
- Fixed: Folder Size will install for all users. By default Folder Size was installed for the current user and trying to use it with a different user caused errors
- Fixed: Some small GUI improvements
- Fixed: Rare scan termination issue mostly on Win7
- Fixed: Font is changed to Tahoma as it is clearer and supports better ClearType
- Added: Portable version is now available
- Added: Folder names in chart are displayed in square brackets in order to easier distinguish folders and files
- Added: Options window
- Added: Thread priority setting
- Added: Enable/disable logging option
- Added: Column visibility settings in the new Options window
- Fixed: Data is saved in the Application Data folder in the non-portable version
- Fixed: Folder Size will not crash if Adobe Flash is not installed
- Fixed: Flash installation page will be popped-up in a new browser window in order to properly install
- Added: Error logging in My Documents\FolderSizeLog.txt
- Added: Improved chart performance and refresh
- Added: Chart items are now click-able and will navigate to the corresponding item in the view
- Added: Export chart graphics as JPEG image
- Added: CTRL+C shortcut assigned to the new "Copy path" to clipboard context menu action
- Added: CTRL+E shortcut assigned to Locate in Windows Explorer functionality
- Added: CTRL+P shortcut assigned to Show Properties functionality
- Added: ALT+Left and ALT+Right navigation shortcuts for back and forward
- Added: Columns can now be hidden/displayed using the right click popup menu on the files list header
- Added: Folders column lists immediate subfolders, while the new Subfolders column lists all subfolders
- Added: Archive attribute listed for files
- Added: SID displayed in Owner column for files that do not have owner information
- Fixed: Windows 7 symlinks issues
- Fixed: Folder Up did no refresh the chart properly
- Fixed: Scan termination caused by incorrect file dates
- Fixed: Some other small issues
- Added: Scan folder using Drag And Drop
- Added: Command line option to scan a folder -scan "folder path"
- Added: "Scan with Folder Size" Windows Explorer context menu
- Added: F5 - Re-scan
- Added: Multiple selection in files list
- Added: Backspace keyboard shortcut for UP
- Added: Other small GUI fixes and enhancements, nicer disabled toolbar
- Fixed: Two times faster scan speed
- Fixed: Extremely optimized folder listing (more than 10 times faster)
- Fixed: File name column resize issue on startup
- Fixed: Delete issue with some files
- Fixed: Possible re-scan issues in rare cases
- Fixed: On drive scan the scanned drive is selected and expanded
- Fixed: Network folder root hierarchy
- Added: Pie charts
- Added: Bar charts
- Added: Chart animations
- Added: Automatically select and expand the scanned folder node when the scan is complete
- Fixed: Rescan will completely rescan all files and folders, not only the removed nodes
- Fixed: Folder tree sort
- Fixed: Some small issues on Windows Vista/Windows 7
- Fixed: Progress bar update issue on slower machines