
Report A Bug Online

MindGems Support

Support - Online Bug Report Form

We are constantly improving our products and we will be glad to hear your reports and suggestions.

Common questions are most likely answered in the FAQ page already so make sure to check there first. The FAQ page can be accessed via the navigation bar at the top of every product page.

Please fill in the form below or send us an email. Fill in as much details as possible - your hardware configuration, Windows version and service packs installed. Do not forget to name the related product or at least its abbreviation (VSDIF, ABK, EWGB, FDFF, ESCAA etc.)

In some cases third party tools and drivers may cause conflicts with other application. Try to stop all the other applications (including the ones in system tray) and run the program that was crashing.

Our tools do not contain any malware, spam or any other form of scam. If you have any problems with changed home page or advertisement popups you can be sure that those are not the result of using our tools. We hate SPAM too!

Please do not use fake e-mail when sending a report. In 99% of these cases we have solution for the problem, but we can not get back to you due to the missing or incorrect e-mail address.

Bug Report & Contact Form

Email Support

Check the product's frequently asked questions page. Maybe the answer for your question is already there. If not, please drop a mail to our support team.